Monday, December 26, 2011

Ironman P....Christmas Day


We started off really slow. Alex wasn't the first up bouncing for presents this time. It was me!!

7.45am we got into it. We all did well this year. I got a few toys, gave a few toys, lots of smiles and no one got upset.

I remember last year. We really struggled last year. Probably the worst Christmas I had ever. I remember feeling I really let the family down, crying in my room, at a real low point. This year was so much better. I am better. Our family is better.

After cleaning up a bit, we had breakfast, started playing with our stuff and getting lunch ready. I wanted to do everything on the BBQ. Wasn't allowed to but I did do enough on it. We had a great lunch together then both Jane and myself fell asleep in the lounge for about 3 hours. HA HA, great Christmas!!

We all had a good day and as I compare this year's to last year's, there is a massive difference. I am different. It's days like today that when I can compare family days I know I have done the right thing by asking and getting help for my depression.

Anyone needing help and afraid to get it, don't be afraid to get it. You are not weak by getting help, but stronger because you want to get better and live better. It takes a strong person to ask for help.

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