Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ironman Prep Day 73 Dec 27

Back to work today after 2 whole days off!! What a luxury HA HA

I took the bike to work and pushed it quite hard. My legs are still not full even though I have been off them the last couple of days. Time to book a massage I think.

I am definitely thinking that the balance of my pills plus energy levels are related. I think that the pills I am on suppress everything in my brain, from emotional reactions to physical energy levels. I need to find the right balance so I can achieve all my goals. Mentally I am much better off and so are the people closest to me on a day to day level so that outweighs anything else, for now anyway.

With the weather being so awesome lately, I rode and met Jane at Thorndon pool. It's an outdoor 33 yard pool. Nothing better than swimming outdoors in the summer. I am missing running now but do need to sort my legs out, maybe it's a mechanical issue with my running technique.

Oh well, if that is the worst thing I am worrying about these days, life is pretty good!

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