Friday, December 30, 2011

Ironman Prep Day 76 Dec 30

It's raining reasonably heavy outside. Nice!! The question is do I run in this or am I too soft? I've got my gear and ready to run after work, plus I have swimming gear. One or the other, either way I end up wet.

After doing a delivery for work I headed to the pool in Karori, and I miss swimming when the pools are empty. Due to only having one public lane to swim in, and the worlds most uncoordinated swimmer in our lane, I was harassed and accused of "never been hit so much ever before in the water" as quoted. So I corrected this ill informed person about their unconventional stroke and poor selection of strokes plus their spacial awareness in the lane, when didn't go down too well. Oh well, 60 minutes later and the pool staff giving him his own lane, I finished my first real swim session for a while, then headed out for a short run. That didn't go too well as I had a reoccurring calf strain that popped up today that cut it short.

I knew Jane was wanting to talk about what happened, but for once she wasn't that hard on me for my pool incident, thank god! I do feel better after the hard swim session and I think I'll enjoy stepping up the training. I know I could of handled the situation a bit better at the pool and I hope with help I will be able to.

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