Monday, January 09, 2012

Ironman Prep Day 85 Jan 8

After taking our time to rise and shine, we got up. I felt a little stiff and sore but not too bad. My calves were fine and I was mostly sore in the quads. I was still on my high for having such a fun event yesterday. Jane however is suffering more physically more than I am due to her condition.

I am feeling tired and maybe a little bit itchy because of it, but I am in a really good space even though I am carrying an injury.

So after cruising in the morning, having booked for another day here in Tauranga, we packed up late after watch Puss In Boots, very funny! Took Jeanie to the airport, but her flight was cancelled back to Welly, due to low cloud in Tauranga and then continued to drive to Auckland for us to stay the night and Jeanie's redirected flight home.

All 4 of us were pretty quiet in the car as we headed up country, spent the night in an Airport Hotel ready for Alex to meet her swimming squad tomorrow morning for swim camp.

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