Thursday, March 15, 2012

March 11 - 14 (Splash and Dash)

March 11
Took the bike racks out to Kapiti early and was back home by 9am. Great way to start my last day off work and resting.
Finally got on the roof and painted the patchy paint and managed to bruise my already left foot/lower leg. Then we were hearing a constant meowing and found a kitten stuck up a tree. After 30 minutes and another big bruise to my left lower leg, we got it down and fed it. Our cat really was not pleased to see another cat in her house. Anti-social bugger.
Chilled out and rested my aching foot/leg.
Kept thinking that I'll have to focus on being positive over the next few weeks to not slip back into bad depressed moods, especially with daylight savings ending in a couple of months.
All in all, I am still proud of my race!

March 12
First day back at work for 2 weeks. I think I'm having an allergic reaction!
I did have a shortened day due to a rescheduled hospital appointment. Nothing too serious at this stage, just a preliminary visit before my procedure. You have got to just love the public system, 7 months to get the prelim, another 4 months before my procedure. Oh well, it is what it is.
My left lower leg and foot is a bruised mess. Maybe I should finish my season now and not prolong it for 2 more weeks.
Picked my girls up from school and went to the pool for Alex's squad and did about 30 minutes in the water and enjoyed the spa! Tough at the top.
As I sit at home I begin to think about where I am headed, how do I stay on top of my depression, how to move forward in my life, how to stay motivated. I now begin to feel the uncertainty of not qualifying for Worlds on Saturday. I just hope I can get a discretionary spot. I know I am good enough to compete, and I can go faster then I did over the weekend. What do I do next?

March 13
Nothing like a good night's sleep to sort one's head out. I rode to work as we have Youth training tonight and the girls need the car to get there.
Left foot is still bruised but it has gone down but does ache. I need to get that seen to.
Did my first full day back at work, went fairly quickly though so not too bad, then headed to Scorching Bay to coach the kids Bike mounting and dismounting. The ones who were there seemed to all get it by the end of the session. They are all really skilled so it does make things a little easier.
I really do enjoy the coaching sessions too, so I really need to look at the future of it for me, how to do it better and earn some money from doing it. That'll help things out a bit.

March 14 (Splash and Dash)
It's definitely not summer now, Autumn winds and the light still dark as we leave the house this morning for the pool, and only 5°C.
Warmed up at the pool by using the spa then got a good 45 minutes hard swimming in. A lot of traffic to navigate in the lane too this morning. Off to work on the bike and the chilling morning is just a preview as to what will be coming up in the next few months.
Off to Splash and Dash after work, feet still sore and not really feeling too enthusiastic about doing a 1300m Swim in choppy conditions + a 4km hard run on concrete with my feet.
Ended up convince Jane to join me in racing the novice race without wetsuits, for a laugh. Damn the swim was cold, and a couple of kids had their grumpy faces on that we stole their thunder, but it was a good for a laugh.
I am seriously thinking about skipping Club Champs next weekend due to my feet still bruising up when I run at the moment. I do wonder if that will have a negative effect on my moods coming up. I guess as long as I am aware of my moods, I can do something conscious about them. Time will tell.

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