Monday, March 19, 2012

March 15 - 18

March 15

The day after Splash and Dash has my foot bruised and still aches. I really need to get someone to look at it, but it always come down to money. Thinking about things, I doubt I will be racing the club champs next week. Time to rest and heal.

The last few days I have been feeling a bit more anxious than usual. I think I haven't been as consistent with my pills as I may have been in the past, or maybe I am a bit more stressed and not coping as well as I have been. I did ride to work today and riding around the bays was quite nice, though a little cold.

I am looking forward to having a day off tomorrow, I get to chill out since all those small jobs around the house have been done.

March 16

Had a bit of a sleep in before I took the girls to school, a bit of shopping then home to work on my NHL Pro Career!!! My team is slumping bad 0-10-0 in last 10 OUCH!

I know I waste a lot of time in front of the TV, but my concentration seems to be all over the place. I never do seem to stay focussed properly, or don't usually complete one job before moving onto the next one. I need to work harder on that as I have some study to do and planning to do. Why do I get distracted so easily though? Is it something I have gotten into a bad habit of just doing, or is it I have something actually stopping me from being better focussed. I will have to talk it over with my psychiatrist in a couple of weeks.

All in all though, quite a nice time to chill out and cook a BBQ for dinner. Rotisserie Chock!!! then finished building up a road bike. I do enjoy building bikes.

March 17

Girls up really early to head out to the TriWoman event in Eastboure. Alex is racing, Jane Marshalling, me, no car so off to work on the bike again. Glorious morning though. Wish I had the whole day off today to enjoy it.

Work was fairly quiet, which was a little disappointing, and at the end of the day, the shop was buzzing with girls that had been at the TriWoman Triathlon, soaking their legs/feet in the spa and showing off their race bling.

I spent the evening building a facebook page for our squad and I hope anyone who checks it out enjoys what we are doing. I think this is what I really want to do going forward, I just need to sort out how to manage it.

March 18

Sunday, a work day for me. Got up and headed off to work, and again the day was fairly quiet. I am noticing that the small things that used to really upset me seem to be eating away at me once more, some of my anxieties and day to day stresses are taking more of my mental energy than I would like them to do.

One of my biggest worries is money. It is a cause for stress in anyone's life, but for us who don't deal too well with processing things well, this is a massive issue. I know I need to just deal with things, but I now can also see the signs that things are not quite right with me. I seem to be on edge, distracted and easily frustrated a lot more than I have been lately.

Once I got home I didn't seem to be as edgey etc. Maybe just being able to acknowledge the problems I am struggling with, plays a big part in not having them as much bigger problems. I have noticed that some of the reactions I used to have, which were always destructive and completely over the top, are now a lot more controlled and rational, even when I angry.

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