Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November 27

Why is it that one comment can turn your day/mood on it's head and get you in a funk for days on end?

Lately I've experienced this, and as I battle my demons, some small comments that I most people would shake off, take hold of thoughts, I dwell and over think things, until they affect not only my mood, but also my decision making. I seem to be getting better at dealing with processing these negative thoughts and emotions. I try and focus on this moment being a blip in my life. This struggle is just a moment that wouldn't even amount to 0.01% of my entire life. Don't give it too much energy and get over it.

I also seem to have been focussing on the wrong thought pattern. I was focussing on how I believed it was unjust, and not focussing on changing. I resented having to change, as I thought it was for pedantic reasons, instead of just accepting it and moving on.

I was also told something that got me thinking a lot at how I hear/process things. At the time it pissed me off, and also hurt me. Now I look past the emotion of the moment, but I can hear the message behind it. I won't go into details, but I don't process things the way other people do and that's my bad luck. I like to have things said to me in a way I expect, and the world is not that neat and tidy. I need to work on hearing the more subtle messages and making the changes to suit.

Sometimes it's better to realise you cannot make others see your point of view, and it's easier to accept that as fact and moving on, instead of fighting those around you to push your point of view to such a destructive conclusion. The only real question that really needs to ask is "Is this point of view of mine worth me totally changing my home/family/work life for?" Sometimes the answer is yes, but the majority of the time, it's no. When it's no, it's time to focus on what is most important. Is it worth losing your job for. Have you been so badly treated that it's time to move on to a place where you will be treated better?

I had to accept my mental illness makes it hard for me at times to process what I have been told. Other people cannot understand why I struggle understanding what I get told as they see it as something simple. I have flaws in my character, and the more I learn about them, learning ways to adapt and make my life less turbulent, the easier things become. Definitely remembering, when I'm having a low, this is a blip in my life, is really helping me get over those things. Now focussing on small daily critical moments to help me heal my injuries, do my rehab, and regain my fitness.

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