Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ironman Prep Day 56 Dec 10 Taupo Half (Team)

So the day started early for all of us, 4.50am. Taupo is pleasant this time of the day. No wind and warm but there is a chance of rain so hope it doesn't come to anything. Alex is in a bit of a panic and a bit stressed out. We got down to transition and I realised I forgot my drink bottle for the bike at the cabin. Once we got sorted and off to race briefing, I took off and got the bottles then managed to get back in time to see the individual's start plus get to Alex and Jane to wish Alex luck.

So the teams started and I looked out for Alex from the shore, I thought I saw her up near the front but a little too far left for my liking, but nothing I could do. Once the swimmers were about 1/3 the way down the course I went to T1 to get ready. Couldn't get back to my bike to get my helmet or put my bottles on the bike so that will take some time. Had a bit of friendly banter while we all were waiting for our swimmers to arrive. Watched and cheered the individuals that started entering T1, now all we do is wait for the teams to start filtering in. I was hoping Alex was really high up in the placings, it felt like lots of teams already have left.

There comes this tired face but with some pride in her effort shining, so proud of our 14 year old in with all the adults, and beating them. Awesome job!

The bike leg started with me cranking past a lot of individuals along the lake front, hitting about 45-50 km along the smooth road. Rolled up the Taupo-Napier highway then around the back of town and headed for Reporoa. Then the rain started to come down lightly. It wasn't cold, just wet and still zooming along passing more people. As I got close to the turn around I was able to count off the teams ahead of me, only 12. Into the turn and DOWN SHE GOES!!! on the wet white centre line. Damn it!!! straight back up and onto the bike and 100m later my gears are failing to change. First mechanical in a race ever. Off the bike to fix that problem up. The cable had popped off the derailleur so a make shift repair, lost so many spots. All I could hear was Alex's voice, you better hurry up, going through my head. Back into town, riding angry and pulling spots back and gears not functioning clean but well enough to get back in 2:29:00. Tagged Jane and she set off on the run.

I did feel I let our team down, but didn't stuff up too bad. Jane took off and when we saw her next at 10km mark she was complaining about cramp. O-ohh Alex and I waited at the finish line and Jane came across with a team time of 4:50:04 so great day for us. 13th Mixed team and 24th team overall. Really good day.

So we had lunch and took our gear back to the cabin, headed back for prize giving. We didn't win anything. Over 2 years since I've won anything now. Had some early dinner with some friends and once we did make it back to the cabin we all crashed fairly early. Tomorrow is Alex's birthday!

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