Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ironman Prep Day 59 Dec 13

I managed to get a sleep in which was great. We had planned a family bike ride today so we went out around the bays all together which was really nice. Alex did struggle the longer we were out there. Where before I probably would have got frustrated when Alex didn't put a decent effort that we know she is capable of, I looked at a bigger picture. At her age, I don't remember riding 45km, well maybe once, but definitely at the speed we were going.

I had my appointment with the nutritionist, and it was great to reinforce most of what I have been doing, but also have an objective view on where I can improve and what I am lacking in my diet. Now to put that extra knowledge into action.

After we had a good lunch of Alex's well earnt choice, we took Alex to swimming and we had our final training session with the kids triathlon squad. Unfortunately with so many school things on, we got 3 out of normal group turn up which was a bit of a bummer, but the 3 that did had a great time. We also did a couple of mini triathlons (brick sessions) with them and showed them what a hard session is about which will definitely put them in good stead going forward. There is definitely a couple of the kids whose confidence has grown incredibly through the 8 weeks, that is such a great thing to see.

I need to be hitting the training targets better to get better results.

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