Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ironman Prep Day 60 Dec 14 (Splash and Dash)

Today started with a lazy morning and none of us got up to go swimming. Oh well end of the school year for the girls, they should have some time off.

The weather deteriorated throughout the day, leading into Splash and Dash tonight. The wind is coming from the North so it probably will be bumpy.

Splash and Dash....What a disaster!!!
The weather really packed in the closer to start, the wind and rain came in and a lot of people. As soon as we started, I was being bashed and hit, I spent most of my time fighting for space and at about 250m my breathing was not recovering. Arm went up and I needed to get the boat ride home. Not the first time but always a crap feeling.

The girls did a team and battled through the tough condition and gave me some ribbing, which I deserved.

Even though I had a bad race, I did not ever once feel that I needed to be harsh on myself for not completing the event. I hope my asthma settles quickly so I don't get lingering effects.

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