Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ironman Prep Day 67 Dec 21

Christmas is closing in on us!!

A week since the mess of Splash and Dash and I still am having problems with my breathing. I think I'll need to do a bit more resting to recover. Maybe I'm worn out more than I thought. Maybe I might be a little sick. Maybe I am looking for excuses and just not fit enough.

I rode to the shop today, intended to run off the bike but ran out of time. Oh well. I do still feel quite flat, and my motivation has taken a bit of a downward turn. Is it to do with the change of drugs? That could be the answer but what about my mental health? What is my balance?

I have my appointment to see the psychologist in Jan so that is definitely something to discuss with her. Not too much to do for now but to keep trucking on with work and Christmas, spending the day with the girls. I am looking forward to their faces on Christmas morning and hope I get a good response from my choice of gifts for them.

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