Monday, January 23, 2012

Ironman Prep Day 100 Jan 23

The big 100 day of blogging! I feel a little proud I've hit that wee milestone.

Another morning taking Alex to her swim meet and I got to get my first run in today. I got a gentle 60 min run in and my calf held up pretty well so quite happy about that. Next step is to slowly add the running km's and monitor it. The physio won't be happy about it though. He wants me to rest it a bit longer before I get back into running, but I have the Kinloch Sprint race next weekend.

So 100 posts/days gone by, what have I achieved?

I have gotten more into my training, I understand more about nutrition and my personal needs, I have found the best medication for my depression and the best time of the day to take them, I have found the fun in triathlons again, I have begun therapy, and life is generally brighter.

I am pretty happy about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds pretty good to me Wazza, keep it up.