Sunday, January 22, 2012

Ironman Prep Day 99 Jan 22

Today we started off with another early morning trip to Kilburnie for Alex's Swimming Competition.

What is it with swimming mothers that makes an unpleasant group of people to be around? Is it that they are a group of under achieving people that put all their hopes into their child's performance, and haven't developed their own emotions properly to conduct themselves with courtesy to adults, or they are just a grumpy clichéd social group? Oh well, I just won't let them affect my day.

Had a bumpy swim at Freyberg Bay this morning, and was a bit fun even if it wasn't the best conditions, like yesterday when I was on the bike. The longer I was at work, the worse the weather got and I was thankful I was at work not having to be outside.

The longer I think about where I have come from lately, the prouder of my small achievements I am. I still do have regrets and doubts, but those do not eat away at me and affect my mood like it used to. I have exactly the same thoughts, just a different reaction.

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