Friday, January 27, 2012

Ironman Prep Day 103 Jan 26

So the 2nd of 2 days off, and really strong winds outside. A 5 hour bike was on the plan but that is out of the question. Wind trainer session and a boring 3 hours in front of the TV.

I am starting to stress more and more regarding the lack of training. How do I not let it affect me on a daily basis, especially at home?

I have to adjust my expectations, goals for this Ironman. What was once a real achievable goal, is now slightly out of reach. I suppose that this is the time to really soak up the experience of Ironman, one where I don't have the lofty goals, and one to experiment just how far I can push my body and mind. I have a plan, and I will have more fun this year than others.

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