Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ironman Prep Day 104 Jan 27

So do I love the sport to the point of obsession? Should I be more focused on personal success than that of personal growth in overcoming my failings/illnesses? Do I put my sport ahead of my family? What is it I really want to achieve in my life going forward?

Deep questions and I feel I am beginning to see a path opening up before me for once. For the last 20 some years I have struggled away not really knowing what I should do, doing only what I was good at or talented at. Now I feel I am ready to unleash my full ability, but it will not be easy. I have to firstly undo many years of complacency and bad habits, be focused and work hard to get what I want.

I have in place a network to begin to make changes to who I am to get to the result I want. Time to make things happen.

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