Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ironman Prep Day 88 Jan 11

So it's hump day, Wednesday. Right in the middle of my 3 day stint at work.

I'm starting to get a little itchy about no exercise at the moment, and I know Jane is worse than me. We heard from Alex and she is having a great time at the Millennium Institute in Auckland, were her swim camp is. Jealous!!

After work we headed to the pool for a swim, just a quick splash and about 2km done with a bit of kick to test the leg out. It is a small problem but not significant so should be able to do swimming and cycling at least for the next couple of weeks. I think I made a poor choice in changing types of running shoes this season. Oh well, no point dwelling on that, just move forward. Pity about the coin spent on 2 pairs of shoes though.

Just chilled at home and forgot to mention I got my repeat prescription yesterday so back on the pills. I have found that taking the pills at night, I do not feel that over powering lethargic feeling I used to get. Just a small tip for anyone reading and taking notes. Timing of pill taking can be all the difference.

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