Friday, January 13, 2012

Ironman Prep Day 89 Jan 12

With only 52 days to go to Ironman, I am starting to think that this season is more a transitional season rather than a "best ever" season. With my leg not being 100% and training has been sporadic  at best, I know in my heart I can't expect great results without great training. I know I have enough time to get close to where I wanted to be for Ironman, I just need to action things.

So physio today and I have a small tear in my left calf, and brisk walking is all I'm supposed to be doing for the next 2 weeks to help my leg. At least I can bike and swim. The coach still won't let me train yet. Recovery!

Tomorrow is my first appointment with a psychiatrist, which Jane has been pushing for a while, but I finally took the step and made my mind up to get myself help. The biggest step is allowing myself to want to be helped, not necessarily knowing I need help.

Anyone looking for tips from my blog, please accept help if you need to have it. I heard a stat a while ago;
Men who suffer from depression and acknowledge we have it, only about 25% of us get help, compared to about 65% of women.

It does not make you a weak person or any less of a person/man by getting help, but rather a brave and strong person to accept your true self and want to change. The path will not be easy and short, but the results are fantastic.

I look at my hero JK (John Kirwan) and his life. He could never have acheived some of the great things as a coach/mentor if he had not been able to address his demons. I want that too. I am over being less than what I should be.

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