Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ironman Prep Day 91 Jan 14

So the coach still won't let me train yet. He has the experience at coaching. I have faith in his work.

Another day of work and the wind is still wild out. Not too disappointed with not having to cycle at the moment. After yesterday's appointment, I am starting to look at things just ever so slightly differently and looking ahead with a different view.

I know this season of triathlon won't be my most focused ever, and I expect my results to show that I have not given it my complete attention and dedication. I am happy with the direction I have taken over the last few months and I am happy with knowing that my best results are yet to come. I am living a healthy and happy lifestyle at present, a far cry were I was when I turned 30 years of age.

After work, I dropped off Matt Berg's wheels to him and caught up with his doings. I was really good to see him and Leah, and I really did appreciate the loan of his wheels. Once I got home, Jane and I just hung out and played a bit of PlayStation Move.

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