Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ironman Prep Day 93 Jan 16

Slept through my alarm. Not a great start to the reset of training but raced to the pool and got a good 75min in the water. It felt really good to be swimming again and I didn't feel too sluggish which was pleasing.

Work was a fairly quiet day, being Monday, but got a few sales and we are having a pretty good month so far this month. I think the pool was quite high with chlorine today, as I was all stuffed up. Even though having a cold, I felt worse after swimming.

After work we headed to the airport to collect Alex from her swim camp in Auckland. She looks exhausted but happy to be home. We had a quiet night and with everyone tired and wanting to go to sleep.

Good to have my little girl home, even if we do butt heads at time.

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