Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ironman Prep Day 97 Jan 20

So today leaves me feeling a bit irritated regarding the lack of training I have managed to get done this week. I am dwelling too much on what I haven't got done instead of the big picture. I am fit healthy and have a loving family around me. I have a great job and none of us are critically ill. Life isn't that bad. I know I will finish Ironman, I just may not have the fuel in my tank to achieve the time goals I set out for myself when I signed up last year.

I really don't have too much to complain about if this is my bad place right now. Oh well, so I'm not getting enough exercise in at the moment. Some people would love to be in my position.

Time to be smarter and get some distance mixed with speed over the next little bit and I'll be fine.

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