Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ironman Prep Day 98 Jan 21

Today, after a rocky start to the morning, we got Alex off to Wellington Swimming Champs. Hopefully she gets her times she needs for Nationals. There was no wind or clouds as we got up and going this morning, perfect cycling/swimming conditions. Managed to get a good hard 40km in before work on the bike and hope to repeat the same after work. Had a bit of a grump on as there was a bit of miscommunication with who was doing what training this morning and the up shot is neither of us got what we needed to do. Hopefully tomorrow things will work out better.

Work went ok, not too many big sales, but enough ticking over to keep the bosses happy. Had trouble getting out of the shop as I had a couple who wouldn't make their minds up and left after 5pm and another couple came in after 5pm too so didn't get away until 5.40pm and was gutted I didn't make it to watch Alex race tonight. She did a PB in 200m Butterfly, legend in my eyes that that is her favourite race. Ended up taking it easy as my leg was feeling a tight tonight.

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