Monday, February 13, 2012

Ironman Prep Day 120 Feb 12 (Scorching Bay Teams)

I overslept. Rushed out of the door with a bit of food in the system and felt a little slow on the bike on my way over to the race in Scorching Bay this morning.

TEAM RACE - Team JAWS (400m Swim - 15km Bike - 4km Run)

So much fun. Raced against some of my kids from the squads and had a bit of banter with them. Good times!

Had an ok race I felt. Running is coming back to where it was with room for improvement, bike didn't have the normal zip I normally feel but went ok. It was a load of fun.

Headed to work after my race so didn't hang around to watch everyone come in.

Ran home, still working on my run/walk strategy for IM and had a reasonable quiet evening except that the challenge is for me is that I think I maybe regressing back without the support of my medication a little, as I lost it when Alex had a whinning session which I may have been able to withstand previously. Hard to really know 100%

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