Monday, February 13, 2012

Ironman Prep Day 121 Feb 13

So today my legs are a bit tired from some the running I've been doing. The good tired!

I'm completely out of pills now, and with Ironman nearing, I think my stress levels are increasing. I do have my appointment tomorrow with the psychiatrist then the doctors before I can get any training in. Last real chance to do something long before IM.

I think I have to be a lot better with the small things. I have an eating disorder and the roller coaster that is my weight is a vicious circle which contributes a lot to my depression. When I am depressed, I eat and my weight goes up, the I get more depressed. I have a hard time staying on top of my eating, but I have done it once before. I used to weigh around 130kg, I got down to just under 90kg in less than 1 year. I am currently a little over 90kg, my goal to start Ironman was to be about 85kg. Too late to actually do anything about it this time around, but I still need to have a goal going forward.

I'm going to put it out there now. After Ironman I will be focusing on my weight and get that down to the low 80kg's. That should help with my depression and my speed for racing. There it is, my next goal, weight loss.

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