Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ironman Prep Days 122-129 Feb 14-21

So as before, I seem to get behind on my blog, so going forward I probably will be doing them once or twice a weeks from here on out. Now, now, don't cry everyone. I know you like to know what's been going on inside my world and head. You still will, but I think posting a bit more infrequently will give me more of a chance to express what I feel better as I'm not trying to force repetitive stuff out day after day.

So an update!

Day 122 Feb 14 - Had the day off work and went to the psychologist in the morning then the doc and got a new script. I am getting a handle of my mental state better with really good advice. I wish I had done this earlier, definitely.
I went for my last longish run before Ironman. Doing a run/walk strategy, especially since I hurt my calf in January. Hopefully it works as planned. Had kids coaching after and took a small group through transition skills.
Jane got home late from school interviews so put off V day, but Alex made us a great dinner! Really nice of her to go to so much trouble for us.

Day 123 Feb 15 - Rode around the bays to work today. Splash and Dash and had a shocker! I had another asthma episode and really backed off and completed but I couldn't breath very well at all. I Need to be more vigilant with my medication.

Day 124 Feb 16 - Swam in the am and rode to work. Still feel a bit on the asthmatic side. Hopefully that begins to calm itself down. Had the 2nd youth squad session of the week today and had nearly everyone there. Great turn out!

Day 125 Feb 17 - Did a run set before work, 10 x 400m's at sub 4:00 pace. OoO my running is improving. I just hope my legs are in good enough shape after IM for the race in Wellington the following week.
Had a reasonable length swim for a change. Kept at a good 100m time too so happy about that too. A good day really. I have been able to use some of the strategies that I was shown on Tuesday already and they do seem to be working. Hopefully when I begin to get over my angry line I can still remember them.

Day 126 Feb 18 - Weekend off! 2 weeks to go!! I hope the years behind me have me in a good place for this one. I have a lot of doubts about what is a real time goal for IM.
After dropping the girls at the pool, I meet up with Nathan M and Jane L for an open water swim. Matt B decided it was a bit too rough for him. It was fun out there in the lumps and bumps.
Spent the day with the girls and ended up at the movies watching a chic flick, to make up for Tuesday. Had a BBQ with the Turners. Good times.

Day 127 Feb 19 - So with my last Sunday off before the big day, we slept in and then headed to catch up with some of our kids that were competing at either the Weet-Bix Tri or Kapiti Women's Tri. The ones who were wearing the hoodies looked great and they had some mixed results.
Caught up with Alex's Grandparents and had lunch with them. Was really nice to have the morning off.
Got back into town and the girls went for a bike/run, I went for 100km's with not enough food. Felt like crap about 75km. Legs empty and ached some. What a dumb rookie mistake.

Day 128 Feb 20 - Rode to work this morning and my legs were so empty. What an idiot! They probably wont come right for another couple of days. Can't believe I depleted myself like that. At least I have enough time to recover from this mistake before I race.
Starting to freak out a bit more. I am glad I have my pills again as I know balancing my moods/mental state is quite fragile and it just helps alter it to the healthy side of the table. So with the last week of work before I head off for 2 weeks, time to stay focussed.
Spun my legs home on the bike, trying to get some feeling back into them.

Day 129 Feb 21 - Did a bike/run before work. only about 50 minutes in total but enough to get some benefit from it as kids coaching tonight will take away a session.
I am really enjoying the kids coaching and hope to get the squad bigger and be able to do more specific coaching with them. It would be awesome to take the kids through the sport and help them achieve their potential.

So 11 days to go before race day. This year will a the most fun I've had doing the Ironman as I am in a much different mind space as all 3 previous ones I've done. I can't wait, I just hope the body holds up as well as my mind does.

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