Friday, February 10, 2012

Ironman Prep Days 106-118 Jan 29-Feb 10

So I've been really slack with getting a blog up each day. I've no real excuse so all i can do is apologize to those who have been following my progress, and those that have been keeping tabs on my training.

So quick update.

Day 106 Sun Jan 29 - helped with the Weet-Bix Triathlon Training Clinic and got about 3 1/2 on the bike.

Day 107 Mon Jan 30 - ran my first hard run since hurting my leg before work 21 min for 5km. Ok for me but need to get better.

Day 108 Tue Jan 31 - Rode to and from work.

Day 109 Feb 1 - Younger brother's birthday. Sent him a text. One day I should look at sorting out that relationship. Swam for 80 min. Rode to work then to Splash and Dash. Did S & D. Ran fairly well for about 4th run this year.

Day 110 Feb 2 - Rode to work, had the first session with our triathlon kids group and had them do hill sets on the bikes. Great to see their faces again and the big smiles.

Day 111 Feb 3 - Had an early meeting then did a 4 hour bike + ran off the bike.

Day 112 Feb 4 - Helped Jane and Alex get going to Taupo for Sprint Champs. Had to work so could not race. Had major bike problems on my TT bike. Twisted chain flat tire, got to work really late. Ran home and took the long way, 18 km

Day 113 Feb 5 - Jane made qualification for Sprint team for Worlds, even with tendonopothy on her hamstring. So proud of her, but was grumpy her racing being injured. Sucked being at work when I should of been racing. Rode to and from work on the road bike.

Day 114 Feb 6 - Running low on pills. Public Holiday Monday. Girls get home tonight. Road to work girls picked me up. Alex off to camp for the week in Abel Tasman.

Day 115 Feb 7 - Ran to work, had our novice group start this term but some couldn't make it due to school camps etc. Not many there so a little disappointing for the ones who did and us.

Day 116 Feb 8 - Felt guilty about having a complete day off from just about everything. No work, training or anything.

Day 117 Feb 9 - Had a meeting at lunchtime about the youth squad then did a 90 minute run. Running really low on pills.

Day 118 Feb 10 - Caught up on Blog. That has been playing on my mind and haven't booked a doc's appointment. Need more pills as I can feel my anxiety levels increasing due to only having 2 pills left and that itself is stressing me out. Will I regress? I do however do have another psychiatrist  appointment on Tuesday morning.

Goal - Sort my stuff out. Be more focused on keeping my daily tasks sorted and get my priorities sorted. Do the small things and the big things will sort themselves out. Try not to focus on the big things.

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