Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ironman Prep Days 130-136 Feb 22-28


Day 130 Feb 22 - Had a day off from training but I am beginning to notice that the closer Ironman gets, the more it playing on my thoughts.

Day 131 Feb 23 - Rode to work and was scared for once in the gusty wind, damn you Wellington wind!! After work we went to the velodrome to coach the kids. When we got there, most of them were already cycling on the track. They all seem to love the track which is great. We got them to ride hard for 12km then run off the bike. Completely exhausted them but showing them how to pace themselves properly is a lesson I wish I was shown early when I started Triathlons. I then did a 10km TT around the track, a tad under 16 minutes so that is pleasing.

Day 132 Feb 24 - Had the day off from work, and did gear maintenance and chilled out on the PS3. Had a swim while waiting for Alex to finish squad.

Day 133 Feb 25 - 1 week to go! I seem to be thinking more and more about Ironman. No matter how relaxed I try and make it, or however I joke it off, I am worried about what I will be able to achieve. 10 1/2 -11 hours???? I really do hope so. I got my last decent long swim doing 4km around 1 hour. All good on the swimming front since I have really neglected my swimming.  I rode to work and it was a nice cruise

Day 134 Feb 26 - Sunday, and Around the Bays is on today. Roads closed, work extremely quiet. Magic weather. Pity I was stuck inside all day. I did have a melt down at home. Another useless incident that got me angry. The stress of Ironman seems to be creeping into my thought processes.

Day 135 Feb 27 - Monday! Last day of work for 13 days! Got a nice easy run before work, from Scorching Bay. I love working out in Miramar, and having that area to train in on a great day. Had a decent swim after work.

Day 136 Feb 28 - Tuesday, packing day. Got all my gear sorted and bike/helmet checked before catching up with Jane for a jog with the QMC squad at lunch. After Jane and Alex finished school, we went out to Scorching Bay for the Junior Coaching. Another great session with the girls. They really seem to be improve a lot. Some just need to show a bit of urgency about their actions at times, but it's all good

So with 4 days to go, car packed, not much left to do but head up to Taupo and join in on the festivities and enjoy this Ironman like no other I've done. With my short course stuff the last few years, I believe i am a better athlete, even if this seasons preparations have not gone as I wish I had. I know what is a realistic goal, and having experience at the distance, I believe I can push a bit harder than I have done in the past and hopefully not fry myself for the race in Wellington and World Champs Qualifying race.

I love Triathlon! It's my release and my out for my depression.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice update mate, start building up your energy you have a big day ahead of you.