Friday, March 02, 2012

Ironman Prep Days 137-139 Feb 29-Mar 2

Day 137 Feb 29 - Once every 4 years this day arrives! Cool.
After dropping the girls at school, I got on my way to Taupo, leaving behind fairly good weather and heading to average weather, according to reports. I'm staying in a tent so should be fun. Excitement/nerves beginning to rise so it's getting fun. Went to the expo, got the essentials. One bonus from doing these things multiple times, you don't need much gear.

Day 138 March 1 - Apparently there was a decent wind through last night, and I slept through it in the tent. Registered, got my goodie bag (Helmet pod this year :-))Trying to focus on my race plan, and also do all my maintenance stuff today. Been chilling out mostly watching some movies/TV series. Around town I see all the athletes in great shape, I feel like I do this sport a dis-service with the lack of commitment to real training I've done this season. I do however, feel I have made much bigger strides in other aspects in my life, which is  probably better.
Went to the pasta party/race briefing and this year, 554 Ironman Virgins out there. Also we were updated with the weather/contingency plan for race day. Is it another 2006? Those unaware of IM 2006, we had a weather affected race, Swim was cancelled, Bike & Run were halved with terrible winds. The difference this time, we are being warned/briefed early.
Why am I not bothered if the event altered? Have I not invested enough emotions into this Ironman? I will have to really have to look at my priorities/motivations to do this ongoing.

Day 139 March 2 - D/DAY. The day before race day. I am still not in that nervous stage. I know I haven't done greatest build up, and my expectations are realistic, and I do love this sport. I love my family too. I know my mental health is the best thing I have focussed on this last 20 weeks. I have made huge strides to make my life, and their lives better. That I am proud of. Now let's use IM to celebrate what I have achieved already. Tomorrow celebrates everything!!
Checked bike and bags in, then got a text about weather briefing.
We are now doing a half Ironman on Sunday (141 days) The weather is projected to be worse than 2006 and now we have pre-warning, unlike 2006. We know what is happening. The race organisers learnt so so much from the debacle 6 years ago. To their credit, we get to do a triathlon. So back to get my bike to baby sit until Sunday morning now, and into the cabin we had booked. Waiting for the girls to arrive soon and sorting my gear out for Sunday.

So I get to have a real good crack at Age Group qualifying next Saturday in Wellington and I won't be so wrecked after this weekend, that's a bonus!

I do really need to adjust my focus and what I want to do going forward. Do I put more energy into coaching than racing? I love this sport and I love competing, just lately, not so much the training. Maybe with a group of us training for the same race in Auckland, we could have a decent training group this winter and help with some of my motivation problems. Just need to qualify first.

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