Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Ironman 70.3 Day 141 March 4 - REAL RACE DAY

So Race Day, FINALLY!!!

Honestly, I am happy not to have to do a half, not a full Ironman, especially with National triathlon champs on Saturday 10th. My body should bounce back better, plus to me THAT is more important to me, representing NZ at the world champs, at home in October this year.

So after body numbering, re-racking and sorting my gear out, we made our way down to the swim start. I was early enough and caught the waka coming down the Waikato in full battle cry. An awesome sight. It's a pity there were all the modern day boats/jetty's etc there to spoil the full impact of the waka. What a sight they must have been back in their day, especially if in vast numbers travelling to battle.

The usual pre-race stuff taken care of, now we have a men's and women's start (7.55 and 8.00) to handle the 1500+ competitors on a smaller swim course. There will be more congestion + drama during the swim and at T1. Can't be helped.

So pro's went at 7.45, then us men made our way out to the start. Everyone anxious to get going, thankful we have much better conditions than 24 hours earlier. Everyone in a agreement the right decision was made.

We did expect a cannon to send us off, but only a horn, the one's furthermost from shore/closest to the direct route, missed it and started a few seconds late.
Finally underway!!!
As expected, busy jostling swim but I found my pace ok. The water a little choppy, all previous swims I have done had been dead flat here, but swimming in Wellington, the chop is no problem, just cleaner water! First buoy turn....Got around without drama, 150m to the next turn, again no drama, homeward bound. I hope my time is ok. Got onto some feet and had good pace to the last buoy turn for the 200m back to the swim gantry. A little busier, but through safely. Out in 32 minutes. Not fantastic, but not bad for my swimming I've actually done.
I ran fairly hard to T1 as I really tried to race this one, my short course strategy really wanting me to push it to do a god time for a half, hopefully 4.45 or less, even with the long T1. Grabbed my gear bag, socks only and foam canister if I get a puncture. Onto the bike passing many in T1. Going good so far.
Onto the bike and into my shoes getting up to speed, saw Matt Illingworth pass me after about 400m of cycling. Would have loved to kept pace but knew I had to let the former GB track rider + Olympian go do his thing, but took a bit of pride knowing I swam faster. Up the Taupo-Napier Hill, altering gears etc. Halfway to the corner, I tried to go back into my big chainring BUT!!!!! no go!!!! SHIT!!!!!!!!! Lots of thoughts....Will it ever change into the big chainring, should I stop? No allen keys today to fix it. Do I manually change it??? Shit, shit, shit. Small chain ring the whole way??? SHIIIIIITTTT!
Some how after 5 minutes of this battle with my gears, I hit a bump and BINGO! there she goes, big chainring. Disaster averted. Next 5-10 minutes getting into my rhythm, pacing the undulations ready for the attack on the downhills. Once I got to the speedway, my onslaught on the bike began, up over 65km/h charging it, watching my heartrate, trying to keep it like December, and then I did 2.29 for this course with mechanical issues, so no issues, same intensity should mean 2.25 and a total time of 3 hours beginning the run.
On Plan so far. The feed stations coming up at good intervals, a bottle and gel at each + banana. Out to Reporoa in 1.20ish, Good time, maybe a little too quick, but it is a tail wind. About 2 minutes later, F****n PLONKER!!!!!!!!!
This guy in the pace line I'm in, vears suddenly left, then cuts back right through the group almost cutting me off, scaring the be-gebbers out of me making me yell at him, THEN he cuts left again straight at my front wheel!!!!!!! I brace for impact and a heavy heavy fall. Hard on the brakes, gabbed hold of his saddle and somehow, I stayed upright!!! AMAZED but completely thrown, and lost contact with my pace line. DAMN! It took me 15km, cycling alone into the cold southerly to catch my pace line again, then the guys were being ridden away from. Dorks! I rode through them then I the wheel started falling off at the 65km mark. I managed to hold down the food 3 times, just beginning to feel average. Then I remembered that this is my FUN Ironman. I ease back and think forward to Saturday the 10th. No need to wreck myself too badly, I don't have Kona aspirations this time.
Group after group go by but I don't worry too much, and as I get to the hill, I risk the lower chain ring and hope like hell it re-engages once I get to the flat.....No such luck.... How does a bad ride get worse?.......16-17km to go, and just after the hill, before the speedway BANG!!!!! Back tire explodes!!
Down to running home as my repair strategy is useless as I cannot repair an exploded tire, but I could a small puncture. After a few minutes, and maybe 1km of trotting, the support car turns up. Off with the tire and because I use tubular tape, I now have nothing to keep the new tire onto the rim so I have to nurse my bike around the corners in the last few km's. About 20 minutes of wasted time, lots of people having gone past, plenty of faces I know I get back on the road with a few spectators supporting me. Kinda nice that support.
I road home more tentatively than I would have under any other circumstances. So bike ride just under 2.50....oh great!
Bike racked, gear bag, shoes and hat, then off. No frills, no wasted energy or time in T2.
So time to choose either keep to strategy or run a half marathon hard. I chose the run/walk strategy, run firm to each feed station and get nutrition. Well coke anyway. Not too much to really report on the run anyway. Great support from everyone watching, awesome! Thanks! I felt a nerve twinge in the right side of my back in the last 4kms and I did struggle up the last hill because of it.
Nursed my body to the finish and got my shirt, towel and medal and all the accolades of completing another .... oh wait.... my first official 70.3!!! 5.26, not a great race, but oh well. So queue up for food and a massage then to find my support team to sort out what we are doing the rest of the day.

Upon reflection, I did not get upset during the race, after the race, or even now as I type. I did not invest as much emotionally into this race to achieve the lofty goals, to achieve greatness. I struggle with pushing to the max, to be excellent, to be better than average, to push through the barriers that stop me from being successful. I have one thing to left to do now which is only 6 days away. Race as hard as my body can go, and earn my spot in the Age Group Team for NZ then focus on me, my limiters, my personal and professional barriers.

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