Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 1 - WTC Countdown - June 30

I woke this morning and got to the pool. Wanted to have a good session but I had no juice. I seemed to be fighting the water the whole time. One more day before the pool is closed for maintenance, then we get to swim outdoors during winter. I can't wait!

Out of the water after 45 minutes, straight onto the bike and trainer. Again, hard to get going. Just as well I had Linkin Park - Living Things to listen to! Awesome album! Another 45 minutes later and out the door for a short run. Talk about dead legs, that was a below average run at a stretch.

So changed for work, right in the middle of an 8 day stint, but doesn't really feel like one. No dramas or grumpy customers today, but cold southerly winds eating away. Bone chilling winds straight from Antarctica! Got to watch some of our Triathlon kids racing in a short course swim meet after work, vivid Alex doing a 16 second pb in the 400m freestyle too. Nice one!

No problems at home tonight and got to watch an exciting game between Crusaders and Hurricanes with my team edging out the victors tonight 23-22 Well done Hurricanes!

So all in all, a really good day! Many more to follow.

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