Monday, July 02, 2012

Day 2 - WTC Countdown July 1

Today Started with me oversleeping and running late for work. At least it's a Sunday and there wasn't too much traffic and got to work just a couple minutes late. No biggy really. Jane however is laid up in bed crock as.

Not much happening at work at the moment, enough to keep busy and to get messy, but no dramas or customers to put me into a fowl mood.

Being on my feet all day and having tired calves is not helping me get out the door for a run of late. Also thinking of hacking up my pair of Newton running shoes since every time I run in them they overload my calves. No point in having something I can't use.

I ended up having a day off since I was so tired. Not the start to the build up I really wanted but no point beating myself up about it.

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