Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Day 3 - WTC Countdown July 2

I stayed up a bit too late last night as again I over slept again. Anyway the local pool is closed for about 6 weeks due to maintenance, so no swimming on today. Hope to get a run in after work.

Work has been reasonably productive the last couple of days so that's good. Just wish I wasn't so tired when I get home. Being on my feet all day then trying to train is physically quite hard. I ended up packing 2 bikes and 2 bags ready to head up to Auckland after work on Tuesday. Heading up to go around the WTC course with Jane and Alex since Jane wants to go over the course again before September. Paid for our entries tonight. Just as well that is out of the way now. Everything except accommodation paid for now.

The last few days have been going really well mentally for me without any real issues, even though I haven't actually got in any physical exercise since Saturday. I know that to reach any kind of real fitness/weight goals, consistency is the key. I have to really make a conscious effort now in both my eating habits and training habits. In the morning is the first open air winter swim session at Thorndon Pool. Hope it isn't too cold!!!

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