Friday, July 06, 2012

Day 6 - WTC Countdown June 5

Woke today with a spine that was aching. I really need to get that sorted out as it will only get worse as I get older. I also need ul look at a much better bed to sleep in.

Once we got up at 9.30 had some breakfast and headed out to go over the bike course. Just as I remember it but going over without race intensity is great. 152 photos later and we're back. The morning was very foggy and a little cold and the slight northerly wind on the course was good to feel too.

Out for lunch in downtown Auckland again. Not so much walking done today and went for a jog about 3ish down the waterfront and then got ready to head home. I started to get a bit of a tired grump on and managed to keep myself in check so I feel pretty good about that fact.

Checked the news out and saw that Auckland airport had been close most of the day due to fog. Great! Another delay at another airport coming up.

Not as bad as the way up, only 2 1/2 hours delay this time. Can't be helped but certainly not that much fun. Everyone getting grumpy and tired. Airports are boring places when travelling domestically.

Home just before midnight, and have to work in the morning. Hope I wake without the back pain.

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