Saturday, July 07, 2012

Day 7 - WTC Countdown July 6

1 week down, 108 days to go.

To be honest, my training has not stepped up as I'm doing enough to stay at my current weight/fitness level but not so much as to make the improvements in my body composition or speed I would like. On the positive I have not had any freak outs, breakdowns etc. for quite some time, even though I am not taking any medication at present, and in a fairly good frame of mind.

Woke up late and raced to work on the TT bike, as the other bike was still in the travel case, leaving Jane asleep in bed. Poured down and got soaked and late to work by 15 minutes. Good start to the day but did feel good to push it on the bike for a change. Body didn't like it too much. Work need to be done for sure. I must now want to do the training and make the sacrifices I have been too lazy to really do since 2008/09.

I wonder how fast I really could go if I really did become as committed as some of my friends/competitors.

Work was fun, with our Spa and Fire sale going on.

<insert shameless plug here>

So anyone in NZ wanting a spa or fireplace can call me on 04 3779944 or email me at work

Being tired from travelling and foot aching, being on my feet all day, I am not doing much running. I think I might just need to ignore some of the rehab and suck up the discomfort and just run and keep running. Probably the fastest way for me to improve to where I want to get to, instead of this constant guilt of not doing the desired training.

Watched Crusaders hold on against Chiefs and really enjoyed that match. I thought Sonny Bill was a bit of a glory hunter at the death, but thinking about things, the Michael Jordan quote springs to mind
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."

Greatness is bred from failure, maybe Sonny Bill might reach that pinnacle at some point, and maybe it's time for me to risk failure a bit more, rather than being afraid to be successful.

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